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Information of DC Members

Mr WONG Kin San, MH

Mr WONG Kin San, MH

District Committees constituency member


Policy Researcher

Political Affiliation
Business and Professionals Alliance for Hong Kong

District Council Services
  • Member, District Council
  • Vice Chairman, Traffic and Transport Committee
  • Member, District Facilities and Works Committee
  • Member, Food, Environment and Hygiene Committee
  • Member, Community Involvement, Culture and Recreation Committee
  • Member, Working Group on Boosting Local Economy
Contact details and means of communication
Ward office 1
  • Address : Room 501, Prince Commercial Building, 150-152 Prince Edward West, Kowloon
  • General office hours (Except public holidays)* :
    Mon to Fri:
    10:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
  • Office tel. no. : 2394 6915 / 2633 3008
Ward office 2
  • Address : G/F, Man Fai Building, 47 Man Yuen Street, Ferry Point, Kowloon
  • General office hours (Except public holidays)* :
    Mon to Fri:
    10:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
  • Office tel. no. : 3792 0029
* For enquiries on operating hours, please call the relevant DC member's ward office.
Fax no. : 2789 8025
E-mail address :
Social media account : Facebook: 黃建新(