“Your Ideal Design of the Harbourfront Railings” Competition Signature Project Scheme Central & Western District Council
We are pleased to announce the winning designs of the “Your Ideal Design of the Harbourfront Railings” Competition -
The Prize Presentation Ceremony was held in the “Western Wholesale Food Market Flea Market cum Carnival” on 17 January 2015. We would like to thank for the participations of the fellow students.
The Signature Project Scheme (SPS) of the Central and Western District Council (C&WDC), the “Harbourfront Enhancement and Revitalisation(“HEAR”) at the Western Wholesale Food Market(“WWFM”)”, helps realise gradually the aspiration of the community in Central and Western District (C&W District) as well as the Hong Kong citizens for a continuous waterfront promenade in the Hong Kong Island. “Your Ideal Design of the Harbourfront Railings” Competition (“Competition”) aims at encouraging the primary and secondary school students in the C&W District to creatively design their favourite harbourfront railings for the proposed waterfront promenade at the WWFM in order to enhance the community involvement. The elements of the winning entries may be adopted in the concept design of the waterfront promenade in future.
Students studying or residing in C&W District are eligible for the Competition which is divided into two categories:
- Secondary Student Group: for secondary students studying or residing in C&W District; and
- Primary Student Group: for primary students studying or residing in C&W District.
- All entries must be presented on the 2-dimensional colouring paper of “A4” size (i.e. 210 mm × 297 mm) attached to this form. Various kinds of painting such as pastel painting, colour pencilling, watercolour, 3-dimensional painting, digitally processed painting and so on are acceptable.
- Each participant of any category is allowed to submit ONE entry only.
- “Your Ideal Design of the Harbourfront Railings” Competition shall be the theme of each entry, which will be assessed against various criteria including its theme, idea, composition and colouring, etc.
- The background brief of the WWFM and SPS in C&W District is set out in the HERE.
- The contents of each entry shall not infringe the intellectual property rights of a third party. Entries once submitted for any other open competitions (regardless of being winning entries or not) will not be accepted.
- For submissions with Application Forms printed by participants, the 2-dimensional colouring paper contained therein must also be of “A4” size (i.e. 210 mm × 297 mm). Submissions failing to comply with the size requirement will not be accepted.
- A participant must complete the Application Form attached on the other side of the colouring paper. In case of incorrect information provided, the participant concerned may be disqualified. For submissions with Application Forms printed by participants, the completed Application Forms and entries must be submitted at the same time. For submissions with Application Forms submitted later than the relevant entries, such applications for the Competition will not be entertained.
- This Application Form (in Chinese Only) is available at the Public Enquiry Service Centre under the Central & Western District Office on Unit 5, G/F., The Center, 99 Queen's Road Central, Hong Kong.
Each of the eighteenth participants obtaining the highest scores in each group will be awarded a certificate of Gold, Silver, Bronze or Merit Award, together with a book coupon, and details are stated as below:
Secondary Student Group / Primary Student Group |
Champion (1) | Book Coupon (HK$ 800) |
1st Runner-up (1) | Book Coupon (HK$ 500) | |
2nd Runner-up (1) | Book Coupon (HK$ 300) | |
15 Merit Prizes | Book Coupon (HK$ 100) |
- Participants must submit their entries, together with the completed Application Forms, to the Secretariat of the Steering Committee of the Signature Project in C&W District (“Steering Committee”) under the C&WDC latest by 21 November 2014. No late submission will be entertained.
- To prevent the entries from folding or damage, participants are advised to submit their own entry in person. The Organiser will not be responsible for any damage of any entry.
- Results of the Competition will be announced at the Prize Presentation Ceremony arranged during the “Western Wholesale Food Market Flea Market cum Carnival” to be held from 17 to 18 January 2015. Prior notification of result and invitation to attend the ceremony will be given to all prize winners in writing.
- The Organiser reserves the rights to display all physical entries as exhibits the copy of which may be uploaded to the website of C&WDC or used for production of souvenirs.
- The Organiser may return the entries to the participants if necessary.
- Both the Organiser and owners of individual entries have the right to reproduce, publish and display such entries under any circumstances.
- The conceptual elements of the winning entries may be used for the design of the SPS project.
- All disputes will be settled by the SPS Steering Committee under C&WDC. Their decision will be final and irrevocable.

- Located at 8 Fung Mat Road, Western District, Hong Kong, the Western Wholesale Food Market (“WWFM”) has been in operation since October 1991 under the management of the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department. The market site area is about 6.2 hectares, and the wholesale facilities provided therein include fruit, freshwater fish, vegetable and egg markets. In 2013, the market throughput is about 190 000 tonnes by quantity and around HK$2,300 million by values.
- The Chief Executive announced the introduction of the “Signature Project Scheme” (“SPS”) in the 2013 Policy Address by earmarking a one-off allocation of $100 million for each district to undertake projects that met the need and aspiration of the district. After discussion and public consultation, the Central and Western District Council decided to pursue “Harbourfront Enhancement and Revitalisation at the Western Wholesale Food Market as a Public Open Space” as a SPS project to be implemented in Central and Western District (“C&W District”).
- The SPS project will enhance the four idling piers and waterfront area at the WWFM, providing sitting-out and recreational facilities and activities for the public, as well as a waterfront of enhanced vibrancy in C&W District.
- Currently, there is no railing installed at the four idling piers and waterfront area at the WWFM. For safety's sake, the waterfront promenade in future has to be installed with safe and feature railings without causing obstruction to visibility.